Physical therapy (PT), also known as physiotherapy, works with patients to help them manage pain, balance, mobility, and motor function. In addition to clinical practice, other aspects of physical therapist practice include research, education, consultation and health administration. Physical therapy is provided as a primary care treatment or alongside, or in conjunction with, other medical services. A physiotherapist, works with various conditions and limitations to help patients manage pain, balance, mobility, and motor function.
What Does a Physiotherapist Do?
A physiotherapist works with patients to develop customized programs designed to restore as much as possible their functional ability and movement. They are trained to help patients at all stages of life — from infant to old age — whose function and movement are impacted by:
- Disease
- Health conditions
- Injury
- Environmental factors
- Aging
- Disorders
- Weight issues
Physiotherapists achieve this by using a variety of methods including:
- Have the patient do certain exercises
- Massage muscles
- Use muscle stimulation devices
- Manipulate joints
- Teach certain lifestyle activities like walking, posture, etc.
- Stretching muscles
They take a holistic (whole-body) approach, addressing not only the physical aspects of your well-being, but also your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. They work at all stages of healthcare, including prevention, education, intervention, rehabilitation, and treatment
Reasons to See a Physiotherapist
There are a number of reasons you might see a physiotherapist. Sometimes your doctor will refer you in order to address a specific injury or condition. Other times you will go on your own and get physical therapy.
Some of the most common reasons people see a physiotherapist include:
- Illness: After a prolonged illness or during/after an illness that impacts mobility, balance, or motor skills.
- Chronic health condition: Some chronic health conditions like diabetes can impact mobility and balance.
- Following surgery: After surgery, getting up and moving is a very important part of the healing process. If a body part such as a hand, foot, or back were affected, physiotherapy can help the patient regain use or compensate.
- Injury: Injuries that leave the patient with a lot of pain or the inability to move can often be addressed through physiotherapy.
- Aging: As people age they experience changes in their bodies that impact movement and function. Physiotherapy can help them regain some of that function or teach them how to work with the loss.
- Major health crisis: Heart attack, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and other health crises can leave a person with great difficulties in normal everyday function. Physiotherapy can help patients regain some or all of that function.
- Improved physical performance: Athletes or even just patients who want to perform better in their fitness pursuits may turn to physiotherapy to learn strategies for maximizing the body’s potential for performance.
- General wellness: Patients may begin physiotherapy to counteract the effects of aging, learn skills for staying mobile and healthy, and staying flexible.
What to Expect at the Physiotherapist
When you make an appointment with a physiotherapist you will probably be asked to wear comfortable, loose clothing and shoes with good support (like athletic shoes). That is because you will likely engage in some physical movement.
At the first appointment the physiotherapist will review your records and get a complete medical history, looking at any X-rays and other tests you may have. They will ask you questions about your medical history, lifestyle, and the illness or injury that they are treating. It is important to be completely honest with your responses.
You will likely be asked to walk, bend, and other simple tasks that allow them to assess your physical capabilities and limitations. They will then discuss a customized physical therapy program with you.
At follow-up appointments you will usually have certain exercises or movements that you will be asked to perform. The activities that you do during your physiotherapy are part of the program that they created just for you to help you reach your wellness and recovery goals.
The goal of a physiotherapist is to improve your quality of life.