Am I eligible for the vaccine?
The initial supply of the COVID-19 vaccine is limited, so not everyone will be able to get vaccinated right away. Each state will gradually roll out the vaccine to prioritized groups in phases.
Click here to learn who in California is eligible for vaccination.
Each state will move to the next phase of distribution as more vaccine becomes available.
I’m eligible. How can I get vaccinated?
Kaiser Permanente has begun to receive a limited supply of vaccines for health care workers who are at high risk of coming into contact with COVID-19 patients or residents of long-term care facilities. For the first phase, they’re prioritizing patient-facing health care workers who work in hospitals and urgent care settings who provide patient care. They are tracking and monitoring their supplies closely. Their next shipment of vaccines are likely expected in early to late January 2021, which will include their next phase of distribution. Please call Kaiser Permanente recorded message hotline at 1-855-550-0951, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the latest vaccine information. They update their recorded message hotline regularly!
Will the vaccine require two injections?
Most of the vaccines currently approved or in clinical trials use 2 shots, which are given several weeks apart. The same vaccine brand needs to be used for both shots. The first shot primes the immune system, helping it recognize the virus, and the second shot strengthens the immune response.
If I get the vaccine, can I stop wearing a mask?
No. It will be important for everyone to keep using all available methods to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. These include covering your mouth and nose with a mask, washing your hands often, and staying at least 6 feet away from others.
Will there be a cost for the vaccine?
No. Kaiser Permanente won’t charge its members or employees for the vaccine. Vaccine doses purchased with taxpayer dollars are required by the federal government to be given at no cost.
Can I get the vaccine outside of Kaiser? What if I am not a Kaiser member?
Yes. You’ll be able to get the vaccine from any facility that has been approved as a COVID-19 vaccine provider by its state department of health. Non–Kaiser Permanente members will also be able to get the vaccine through Kaiser Permanente at no cost.