Tips to Build Attention Span

If you’ve been struggling to focus, you’re not alone. Human attention spans are getting shorter—and it’s not hard to see why. “We live in a 24/7 news cycle, in a world full of snippets and information, so, our brains are being retrained to only focus for short periods of time.” says Ashley Zucker, MD, a…

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5 Simple Stretches for a Better Night’s Rest

A good night’s sleep is essential to good health — but many people struggle to snooze through the night. Not getting enough shut eye is linked to chronic conditions, including heart disease, obesity, and depression. One way to improve your rest and relaxation is by adding stretching to your evening routine. In addition to improving…

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6 Ways Athletes Can Prioritize Mental Health

 A professional athlete shares their struggle with depression on social media. An elite competitor steps away from their sport while the whole world is watching. A decorated champion credits therapy for saving their life.  High-profile players have shown the world that no one is immune to mental health challenges. Now, athletes are breaking the stigma…

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