Latest update on Omicron variant
Kaiser Permanente is closely monitoring the Omicron variant, and continues to learn about its transmission rate or whether it causes more severe illness. Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant. However, breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated are occurring. Getting your booster, if you are eligible, is very important and will provide the best protection against severe illness from COVID-19.
In addition to vaccination, it is recommended to take the prevention measures of wearing a mask in public indoor settings, frequent handwashing, getting tested at the first sign of symptoms, and staying home when sick.
COVID-19 boosters recommended and available for people 16 and older
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly encourages everyone to get a COVID-19 booster dose. It’s especially important to get boosted if you are at higher risk of severe disease. The CDC has also stated that people 16 to 17 may now get a Pfizer booster 6 months after their initial series.
J&J vaccine – latest developments
After reviewing growing safety and efficacy data, the CDC has recommended mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) over J&J/Janssen. However, the J&J/Janssen vaccine is still a good option for those unable to receive the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and definitely preferred over no vaccine at all. People who received the J&J/Janssen vaccine are encouraged to receive a booster shot of an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) after two months to ensure maximum protection from COVID-19 and its variants.
New materials available on the COVID-19 vaccine for children 5-11
Here are some great resources to help your answer your questions and build confidence in the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine for children and pregnant people:
- Flyer: Children 5 to 11 COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness
English | Spanish - Video: Pediatrician explains that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for children 5 and older
- Video: Pediatrician talks with parents about the COVID-19 vaccine
- Video: Kaiser Permanente physician urges pregnant people to get the COVID-19 vaccine