People who are 12 years and older are encourage to get an updated booster shot this fall. As the seasons change and people spend more time indoors, COVID-19 cases are likely to rise. Keep living life to the fullest by staying up to date with your vaccinations — including the new booster shot.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now recommending people 12 years and older to get an updated COVID-19 vaccine booster for better protection against the omicron variants. These variants are currently causing most COVID-19 cases in the U.S.
Kaiser Permenente will be giving updated boosters as supply allows and according to CDC guidance. Supply may be limited in the first few weeks but they are positive to have enough supply to provide updated boosters to all eligible members soon. The original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are no longer authorized as boosters for people 12 years of age and older. If you previously scheduled a booster appointment, you will be provided the updated booster at that time.